No, we do not offer contract manufacturing for laser-cut sheets. Our company focuses on the plant construction and special machine construction of laser welding systems.
Yes, we offer worldwide shipping and deliver to companies all over the world, whether they belong to our group or not. Our goal is to make our laser systems and services accessible worldwide and to meet the needs of our customers, regardless of their company affiliation. Thanks to our global logistics partners and an efficient shipping network, we can ensure that your orders are delivered on time and reliably, no matter where your company is located.
Our process technology team and our engineering department have many years of experience in the field of laser applications. We are happy to support our customers in the development of new applications or products. We would like to accompany you as a partner in the process from the product idea to the production plant.
Our registered office is in Ravensburg, Germany. This is where all our know-how is bundled. From here, we serve all our customers worldwide. The direct personal contact between technical departments and the sales side guarantees optimal support and advice for our customers.
Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. (“Baosteel Co., Ltd.”) is a world-leading modern steel company and the core company of China Baowu Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. (Baowu Group). In 2016, the former Baosteel Group merged and consolidated with the former Wuhan Iron & Steel Group to form China Baowu Steel Group Corporation. Since 2019, Baowu has merged successively with Maanshan Steel Group, Taiyuan Iron & Steel Group, Xinyu Steel Group and Sinosteel Group. The Baowu Group is currently the largest steel company in the world and ranked 44th among the Fortune Global 500 in 2022.
More information about its story and products can be found at the following links:
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